Amsterdam to Ulan Bataar Land Rover "Disco 2000" |
"Mr Lenin, what i would like for christmas is..." | USSR militiary equipment, Kiev |
Aral Sea, Kazakhstan. The shipgraveyard is in the background. Dad made an impromtu modification to his t-shirt before the photo, in appreciation of the 2 days we spent on the `back road` to get there.
| Kosh Agash (Altay republic) to Mrgr Axey (Tuva republic) in Siberian Russia. |
Welcome to Ulan Bataar, Mongolia. Travelling with Tom and John since the border entry. They are driving a 1990 1L Bedford (Suzuki) van in the We both arrived at the Russia/Mongolia border just after it closed, but had enough ruples left for sufficient beer and vodka, and then continued to keep everyone else awake into the night... | Friendly Buddhist shrine, Ulan Bataar, Mongolia |